Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ten years...

Ten years ago this week, I left my job as a kindergarten teacher and became a stay-at-home mama. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was 4 months pregnant and had just found out I was having a boy. I was beyond excited :) I don't ever really remember hesitating with our decision for me to stay home with Little Will. I kind of felt like it was meant to be that way all along.

That last day as a kindergarten teacher was bittersweet but as the day came to a close, I remember packing up my little, tiny, baby blue Volkswagen Beetle and driving out of Oakdale Elementary's parking lot for the last time. I cried. I cried because I loved being a teacher and I cried because I was starting a new chapter in my life and I was happy, scared and excited all at the same time. I drove straight to Chicfila and bought a huge lemonade and was so nervous that I dropped the whole thing in my car. I never got all that sticky out :)

So, today as I sit here in our home that is FULL of children, I am so thankful. I am thankful that I was given the opportunity to savor every minute with them...the good and the tough. I am thankful that I didn't know how hard it was going to be. I am thankful that I am able to give my children what I didn't have as a child. And sometimes I do miss those school days but I am experiencing them from a different perspective now and I love it :)