Thursday, May 31, 2012

Moving on up...

Today my first born son "graduated" third grade and is now a rising fourth grader. That just does not seem possible. I have heard a lot of people saying that lately about their children growing up and I'm right there with them. I have no idea where time goes. The older I get, the worse it gets and I've heard that said alot too. But today, my 9 year old son had yearbook signing day, said goodbye to the best little 3rd grade class ever and hopped in the minivan ready for summer :) We have almost 3 months to soak up all the sun and fun we can handle and then it's on to 4th grade...but I can't think about that now. I'm going to be like Scarlett O'Hara and think about that tomorrow or in August to be exact because I'm sure it'll be here in a flash anyway...

Happy Friday Eve!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ten years...

Ten years ago this week, I left my job as a kindergarten teacher and became a stay-at-home mama. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was 4 months pregnant and had just found out I was having a boy. I was beyond excited :) I don't ever really remember hesitating with our decision for me to stay home with Little Will. I kind of felt like it was meant to be that way all along.

That last day as a kindergarten teacher was bittersweet but as the day came to a close, I remember packing up my little, tiny, baby blue Volkswagen Beetle and driving out of Oakdale Elementary's parking lot for the last time. I cried. I cried because I loved being a teacher and I cried because I was starting a new chapter in my life and I was happy, scared and excited all at the same time. I drove straight to Chicfila and bought a huge lemonade and was so nervous that I dropped the whole thing in my car. I never got all that sticky out :)

So, today as I sit here in our home that is FULL of children, I am so thankful. I am thankful that I was given the opportunity to savor every minute with them...the good and the tough. I am thankful that I didn't know how hard it was going to be. I am thankful that I am able to give my children what I didn't have as a child. And sometimes I do miss those school days but I am experiencing them from a different perspective now and I love it :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Preschool days...

Today was Cole's last day of preschool...forever. I don't know why it hit me like a ton of bricks, but it did. I have cried off and on all day. I wish life could always be like it is in preschool. Cole has grown so much since that first day when he was only 3. I am so proud of my little, almost kindergartener. And his teachers...well, I get attached to teachers very easily, but especially when they are as sweet and kind as Cole's teachers were this year and last. So, today was bittersweet, as all you mommies know. Those preschool days don't last forever, so seriously, love them while you can...enjoy the fingerpaint and the cookies and juice and the pumpkin patch trips and the puppet shows. Enjoy the tricycles and the building blocks. Enjoy the alphabet and the circle times. Enjoy it all through your child's eyes because preschool days are precious days :)


Friday, May 18, 2012

Cole's Graduation

My baby boy is graduating, not from high school but from pre-k :) I am so proud of him. These 2 years at our little preschool have literally flown by. What a blessing the past 2 years have been....not only for Cole, but our whole family. We have all made friends that we will keep for a lifetime and memories that we will hold onto forever.

So, tonight as I sit and watch my baby boy, Cole sing "The B-I-B-L-E" with all his friends, there'll be a lump in my throat and a tug on my heart. The future is bright, Coley. I am so proud of you :) I love you more than you will ever know and I promise your graduation present will be a wrestling championship belt ;)


Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day...

Well, yesterday was Mother's day. Mother's day is very special to me and a little sad...I am so happy that I am a mother but I lost my mama almost 6 years ago. So, it's a day with mixed feelings...

My mother was really my grandmother. She was only 39 when I was born, so she was a very young grandma :) She took on the responsibility of being my mom when I was only about 7 months old. She did everything...I mean, everything. She left her career as a nurse to be a stay-at-home mom to me. Like I've said before, she was everything to me. She was kind, sweet, soft-spoken and my best friend. She had so much class :) I always wanted to be just like her. She was beautiful inside and out. She died way too young. I had just turned 30 and she had just turned 70. We had too many things we still needed to do together. She never rode on an airplane. She never went on a cruise. She never went to Disney World. She never left the USA. The farthest west she ever went was to Nashville, TN. She left this world, 85 pounds and fighting all the way. She didn't want to leave us...but I know she busted heaven's gates wide open :)

I have been asked before where was my "real" mother, or my biological mother....I don't have a relationship with her. I was raised with her around, but she took on more the role of sister, rather than mother. She didn't like being a mother. She told me that when I was five. She told me that every year of my life until I was 33 and I walked away. I have never looked back. I know I'll never see her again.

So, on Mother's day, I think about my grandma and how wonderful and perfect she was to me. I wish I could taste her cookin' one more time. I wish I could just hug her and smell her perfume mixed with double mint chewing gum. I think about her because she saved me. She gave me so much and gave up so much. I am forever thankful :)

And on Mother's day, I think about how amazing it is that I'm a only dream as a be a mama...I wanted to have lots of kids and now I do! (Three is a lot to me!) and I just thank the Lord every day for these 3 beautiful blessings. The Lord knew the desire of my heart. He knew I wanted to break the chain. I think I have. There is nothing greater that I could do with my life. Nothing.

Happy Mother's Day!! XXOO

Thursday, May 10, 2012

25 things....

Happy Friday eve!!!!

Today, I was reading a new blog, Love of Family and Home...  and I thought this idea was really neat...25 things...yes, 25 random things. You write 25 random things that you are thinking about right now and post them. I think I will give that a try. Remember how I love to read people's favorite things and their lists?? Well, this was right up my alley. So, here's my 25 random things I'm thinking of/doing/ get the idea :)

1. I am so glad it's Thursday. Thursday is my Friday. It's been that way for 12 years....

2. I got to go on a field trip with my son, Cole today. I had so much fun...for real. It was just me and other siblings. That was a first. Boy, did he need that mommy time. I wouldn't trade that for anything.

3. Today was Muffins for Moms day at Cole's preschool. He wrote some really cute things about me and I put my framed present on my dresser as soon as I got home.

4. I am craving cupcakes...

5. I am craving pizza...

6. I am craving movie theater popcorn and a huge fountain coke....

7. The past 3 things being said, I'll probably not have any of that for supper since we only have cereal and lunch meat in the's grocery time :( boo

8. Little Will (my oldest son) finished PASS testing today!!!!

9. Mollie is in the midst of separation anxiety with Mommy....I can't go around the corner without her bursting into tears :(

10. Swamp People comes on tonight and it better be a new episode.

11. I wish I still watched The Office on Thursdays, but I can't get past Michael being gone...

12. I wear pajamas most of my life.

13. I hate the new Little Caesar's Pizza commercial.

14. I just remembered Little Will has soccer practice tonight, so now I have to change out of my pajamas.

15. I think I may buy Mollie a pink kitchen set, since I always wanted one :)

16. The new My Little Ponies aren't as good as the 1980's ones.

17. I can't wait to grill out tomorrow night :)

18. I can't wait to grill out Saturday night :)

19. I'm finally going to break down and buy the kids one of those hard plastic pools at Walmart...

20. Reruns of the Real Housewives of NJ never got old.

21. My next lipstick purchase is going to be the TREAT Coconut Lip Balm....I have to have it.

22. Walmart has some really pretty dresses and shirts out right now :)

23. I just got my first Maxi dress...don't laugh when I wear it...I'm very aware of myself in a dress that's all the way to the ground :)

24. I can't ever seem to wear tennis shoes.

25. This "25 Random Things" list was kind of fun to write :)

Ok, so that's my 25 things for today. I know some of them are super silly and very unimportant in the scheme of life, but I thought it would be fun. You know, I'm all about fun, especially on a Friday eve!

What are your 25 things for today???

Thursday, May 3, 2012

*Spring Makeup Favorites Update*

Ok, so the other day I posted about some new products I had gotten on a mini-makeup haul to CVS....well, here are my updates! I also stopped at Walgreens today and did a little nail polish shopping with my almost 16 month old baby girl :) So, this post today will kind of fill you in on what I have liked so far and what 3 cooooool things I got today for only $6.32 (for all 3)!

*The Suave Shampoo.....that stuff is the best. I love hair is super clean, smells so good and I even used it on my 2 boys after a very sweaty day of outdoor play. They went to sleep saying their hair smelled like "Na na na na na na, let's go bananas!" (if you have ever watched the Fresh Beat Band, you know that song). I am very impressed with a $2.99 (for the family size) shampoo :)

*All of the nail colors I got the other day are really pretty but I have to say the Mega line from Wet n' Wild is soooo much better. Pay the extra $1.00. That stuff really lasts and doesn't chip...I would compare it to OPI...I'm serious. So, try it and you'll see what I mean :)

*Today's mini-haul...only $6.32 haul to be exact... and it was probably my favorite. I got 2 nail shades from Wet n' Wild that I have actually watched a youtube video about. The first one is from the Mega line in the color Club Havana (don't you just love that name??)
*these are not my nails....I could only wish for nails that symmetrical and perfect :)

The other color is 2% Milk by Wet n' Wild...I love milk, so maybe that's why I bought any rate, it was on sale for 99 cents, so I couldn't resist. Also, Mollie had a death grip on it and I was afraid if I grabbed it from her, I would drop it and it would bust all over Walgreens.

very pretty, neutral color...can't wait to use it :)

The last thing I got was a very cool bronzer by Wet n' Wild (and yes, I do buy other brands...I'm just on a Wet n' Wild kick right now). It's Color Icon Bronzer in Ticket to Brazil...I have already used it...didn't drop it in the sink and it's huge! You get a ton of product for only $3.99. Now, that's my speed.

So, that's my update for this beautiful 90 degrees in May, Friday eve!! Happy Shopping!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Spring Makeup Favorites

Hey there!

I'm back!!

Yes, I have been super busy with life the last couple of months and really, I'm still super busy, but I wanted to take a second today to write. I think writing this blog helps me, in some sort of way :) Kind of like an online diary, without the lock and key!

Today is the first day of May, it's 90 degrees and there are only 21 more days of school left! Yay! This has been a great year for my boys in school, but I'm so ready for a break. You know, no alarm clocks, no rushing out at 7:15, no agendas, no get the idea. Everyone needs a break and our's is coming up soon. I can't wait :)

Something that is a little passion of mine :) I have always secretly wished I could be a makeup artist one day. I doubt I'll ever go to school for that career, but I think it's so fun to learn and try new things with makeup. I was never taught a thing about makeup growing up (Mollie, I promise I will teach you), so I've learned most everything I know from books and youtube videos. Yes, you can find EVERYTHING on youtube, even how to apply eyeliner and which bronzer is the best. My favorite videos are haul videos, you know, when someone goes shopping and they come home and tell about everything they got :) I get so many ideas from those videos. You kind of get to see what stuff is good and sometimes, what is junk!

So, here's my mini-haul blog post for's my first one!

All of these products were purchased at they are budget friendly too :)

1. Suave Everlasting Sunshine Shampoo....I watched a review on this shampoo last week from my favorite beauty blogger, Emily Eddington, or the Beauty Broadcast. She is great and raved about the smell of this shampoo. It totally lives up to the praise. This stuff smells AMAZING! Kind of like a tropical, vanilla, banana smoothie :) Yum! I love Suave products anyway, so this one was at the top of my list to try. I got the last 2 bottles in Lake Wylie :)

2. Wet n' Wild Eye Trio in Silent Treatment...I love this because it's easy and even has labels on where to put the different shades! Yay for me! I am hoping this little set inspires a smokey eye sometime soon :)

3. Wet n' Wild Mega Glo Bronzer in Starlight Bronze...I love this product! It's so pretty on and you can use the shades individually or all together. I did mine altogether and loved it. Then, I dropped it in the sink and it shattered...Ha! That's Murphy's law. Oh well...I'll purchase this again sometime soon. It was pretty while it lasted :)

4. Wet n' Wild Megalast nail color in Wet this shade, love the extra wide brush, love the megalast line...much thicker than the .99 Wet n' Wild shades. This one was $1.99 and the extra dollar was worth it :) It dried faster and has a really pretty finish. I'll be trying more of these soon.

5. Wet n' Wild Shine nail color in French White Creme...only .99 and a really pretty non-sparkly white, kind of thin but 3 coats will make it look just about like the Megalast colors. I love a pretty white for an accent nail and it's great to find one that cheap :)

6. Wet n' Wild Shine nail color in Tickled Pink...also only .99 and a really pretty non-sparkly baby pink, I'm wearing it today on my ring fingers with the Wet Cement color on the other nails...very cute :) also kind of thin but 3 coats worked....took a little longer to dry than the Megalast shade.

Ok, that was my mini-drugstore haul :) I hope it inspires you to paint your toes and wear a smokey eye to the elementary school :)

Until the next blog....Happy May!!