Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Happy February!

I am in's already February and I don't think I've written a blog since Cole's birthday! Oh all know how it is to be a mama and barely look up from a dirty diaper all day. That's my life, right now. I heard this saying from another friend...when you are a mother of small children, the days are long but the years are short. So, I'm trying to remember that each and every day. This season in my life will pass....all too soon, I know and when that day comes, I'm sure I'll long for days of dirty diapers and Dora the Explorer :)

Valentines's day is coming in 6 days and boy, I have a lot of people to love. I'm looking forward to school parties and Valentine cupcakes :) I don't know if a romantic dinner is in the cards for us this year...Mollie is about to walk and I'm not letting her out of sight to save my life. I have to see it...I have to see that sweet baby girl walk. I saw it with Will and missed it with Cole and that devastated me :( So, back to the romantic dinner...I'm thinking of Olive Garden take out this year....we can have our own romantic dinner when the kids go to bed. That's my speed. We'll never know what my sweetheart has in store :)

Update on our family:

Mollie about to walk...she's taken 7 steps (today!) and I have it on tape (yay!)

Cole is excited to be the leader in his class on Valentine's day next week and have a sundae party. He's signed up for baseball this spring and can't wait to play :) He is writing more words and draws me pictures every single day. In only 3 weeks, he'll be signing up for kindergarten...I do not think I'm ready for it...I mean, he's my baby boy....

Little Will is loving school and today, he is going to his first afterschool club...the P.E. Club. He's soooo excited. He adores Coach Cook and can't wait to play "extra" games. He's learning about the Civil War and biographies and for Black History month, he chose Muhammed Ali to study. He's loving learning about a real boxer...probably the best one of all time :)

All of us went to the circus for the first time together last Saturday :) That was great! Lots of fun and lots of cotton favorite. Our next adventure is hopefully the Lazy 5 Ranch...we've never been....update on that later!

Ok, just thought I would write today...God's blessings are everywhere. Valentine's day and spring is just around the corner...I can't wait!

1 comment:

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